For this photograph I like how the white butterfly stands out against the simplicity of the beige wall. I also like how some of the wires in the art is in focus and out of focus drawing the eye towards the butterfly, making it the main focus.
For this photograph I made sure that the wheel is the main focus in the photo, and not the lines of the wall of the building. Making the back round simple it brought out the wheel in the photo, as well of the colors.

This work by Savannah Seed is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada License.
Based on a work at
I think that it follows the rule of thirds, because the basketball net is the man focus and in the back round the Saskatoon Christian school building can work as rule of thirds with the two lines going horizontal.
For this photograph, I cropped the photo so that the green signs would be the focus part of the photograph, the buildings in the back round keep this photo following the rule of thirds, since the edge of the building aline's up with the rule.
After I cropped this photo, I liked the tire of the tire swing, hanging off to the side of the photo instead of being in the middle. Also I left the back round simple helping to make the tire swing the main focus. I also liked who the tire swing aliened with the baseball diamond fence.