Tuesday, 19 June 2012


This picture is peaceful because of how simple the picture is and I liked how the lines in the ground lead your eye forward into the trees, but wasn't to distracting.

For this photo is think that it is peaceful because of how the main focus is on the road and how it leads your eye forward and into the long way down the highway, but its peaceful too since there is a sunset in the back round but off centre so it is not the main focus in this picture but helps to keep it from becoming boring.

For this I know that this is just a week but it is metaphorically saying to stop and take time to look at the things around you, In the back round of this picture is a high way with lots of cars going on the highway, but its blurred out so the focus is on the plant.

 This picture is peaceful because of the little duck is just swimming about without a worry or a care about where he/she is going. The rippling of the water behind the duck is also calming, if it was rough or rigged this photo wouldn't be as peaceful.

This picture is just a path, and is more focused on what is in front of the path then where the path leads down to which I think can apply to our lives to, not be only focus on whats ahead but what is right in front of us. We can often forget what we have then to focus on what we don't have. So I think that is photo is peaceful in what I could potentially represent.

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