Wednesday 7 March 2012

20 Angles

I found that the lighting made the streamers pop out more, making the colors more vivid and interesting. I also like how using the flash made the roof lighter, and gave it more depth to lead the eye to the right of the photo.

Using a manual apperature setting, it changed how the lighting overall was in the photograph. With this setting the streamers had a more creamy color to them, instead of the bold color it had in the other ones.

Again  I used the flash, I liked how the flash brought out the streamers color and how it showed the lighting showing through them more.

Using the appature setting it gave the soft looking streamers more of a creamy look to them, also showing the texture of the streamers adds a more softer affect.

In this photo it leads your eye down the middle, I like how I can see the light shine through them from the lights, instead of just a blunt look without them. After using the flash I liked how the line that leads your eye is more clear you can make out the shapes and the shadowing of the images.

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